Warren Edward Buffett, an American businessman born on August 30, 1930, in Nebraska, US. He had completed MS(Master of Science)  in the Columbia university, US. Warren Buffett is the chairman and CEO of BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY, an American Multinational Company.  And currently he is the Sixth-wealthiest person of the world.

Born with Poverty:

During his birth, America was in a severe economic crisis, and that let his family to a high-level poverty. After few years, his father starts a stock market company where Warren Buffett spent most of his childhood with numbers, calculations, formulas, and derivations. And that let him to start business at the age of just 6 by selling Coca-Cola, Newspapers to the doorstep and starts to make savings in that very little age.

His early interest on investment:

By spent his most of the holiday time in his father’s stock market company, he learnt, gathered, and made himself worth for being a successful investor in future.  His father understood his interest in shares and exchanges and took him to the WALL STREET, which is the hot location for American Stock Market. The experience he had there made his interest to the peak level.

Realising the flow of market:

He invested his savings to buy a shares of CITY SERVICE COMPANY, unfortunately the share values get decreased to the lower, he sold that share when it reached again his invested amount value and felt himself that he didn’t lost money and saved his money from risk.  Later he noticed that the share value of the company getting increase day by day after he sold all the shares, literally made him felt lost for his unsuccessful efforts.  This made him realise the value of patience in the field of finance.

Gaining of market knowledge and techniques:

BENJAMIN GRAHAM, an American economist, investor, and professor in the Columbia University, was the inspiration for Warren Buffett in the financial field. When Buffett joined Columbia University for doing MS, he got the chance to study and learn clearly about the techniques and methods to handle stock market from his inspired professor Ben Graham.

Hard work and Sense leads to Success:

After completing his Masters, Buffett worked in his father’s stock market company for few years, and then worked in his professor Ben Graham’s stock market company for few years. His early debut in the share market and hard work made him to groom himself higher and higher in the market field. On 10th May 1965, Warren Buffett took over the control of BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY through his investment partnership and now with his efforts and hard work, he is the chairman of the whole organisation and holding the position of sixth richest person in the world.
