ChatGPT is a large language model created by Open AI. It is a type of artificial intelligence that is specifically designed to understand and generate human-like language.

It is trained on vast amounts of text data, such as books, articles, and online content. The training process allows the model to learn the patterns and structures of language, and to develop an understanding of how words and phrases relate to one another.

As a result, ChatGPT can "understand" human language and generate responses that are appropriate and meaningful. It can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as answering questions, generating text, and even holding conversations with people.

Since its release, the chatbot ChatGPT, which uses artificial intelligence (AI), has garnered media attention, and got unbelievable popularity. Assignments including drafting business emails in a particular tone, style, and according to instructions have been completed using it. Numerous people have acknowledged that they become dependent on the new fad.


  • It has cleared various exams in the US, like US Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) and many other MBA exams.
  • It can also be able to clear the Google Coding Interview for Level 3 Engineers.


The performance of the chatbot in one of the most difficult tests, the UPSC, was recently evaluated by Analytics India Magazine in line with the current trend. Nevertheless, the chatbot was only able to respond to 54 of the 100 questions from Set A of Question Paper 1 of the UPSC Prelims 2022.

The journal noted that the AI chatbot was unable to pass the 87.54 percent cut-off for general category students in 2021, which led to its failure. The questions covered a wide range of topics, including geography, economics, history, ecology, science, and current events.


When ChatGPT was questioned about whether it could pass the UPSC prelim exam, it was unable to give a "firm answer". "In my capacity as an Al language model, I do have a wealth of knowledge and information, including on the UPSC exam and associated subjects. Yet, passing the UPSC prelims exam necessitates not just having knowledge but also having the capacity for critical thought, application, and time management. Because of this, I am unable to say for sure whether or not I would succeed in the UPSC preliminary exam,”said it.
