The government of India has set June 30 as the deadline for linking a Permanent Account Number (PAN) with Aadhaar. If this is not done, a person's PAN will become invalid on July 1, 2023. Individuals who have not linked Aadhar with their PAN by the deadline would be unable to utilize their accounts to receive certain services that require the PAN number if the PAN becomes inoperative.
Is it possible to file an ITR without a PAN Activation?
Furthermore, if you miss the deadline, you may be unable to
file your income tax return (ITR) until July 31, 2023. This is due to the fact
that the ITR deadline is less than a month away, and it can take up to 30 days
for a PAN to become active again once the penalty is paid.
As a result, if you pay the penalty now and wait for your PAN
to reactivate, you risk missing the ITR filing date. As a result, if the ITR is
submitted beyond the deadline, on July 31, 2023, it will be regarded a late
There is a late filing penalty of Rs 5,000 for filing a late
ITR (if total income exceeds Rs 5 lakh). As a result, if your PAN is no longer
active, you may be assessed a late filing cost of Rs 5,000 and must file a late
ITR. According to the Economic Times, everyone who links their PAN and Aadhaar
after the deadline would be fined Rs 1,000, bringing the total amount to Rs
Visit the official website of
the Income Tax Department of India:
To link your PAN (Permanent Account
Number) with your Aadhaar card use below link for steps:
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