Indian labour law is introduced to regulate labours in India. Labour law are introduced due to the demands of workers for better condition of working, the right to organize, and to keep labour costs low. The law relating to labour and employment is also known as Industrial law in India. Labour law deals with the relationship between the employee and employer. Second, labour laws concerns with individual employees rights. The law regulates various aspect of labours as the number of hours of work, wages and facilities provided to the employee.
              Indian labour laws are made to safeguard the interests of the workers. Article 14 states everyone should be equal before the law. In India labour laws cover almost all types of industries with different labour law. In the outbreak of the COVID-19, many states have relaxed the labour laws in the favour of the employers. This relaxation may cause violation of Labour laws in India.     


              The new labour laws consolidates 44 labour laws under 4 codes of laws. They are 
                        • Wages Code, 2019
                        • Social Securities Code, 2020 
                        • Occupational Safety, Health & Working Conditions Code, 2020
                         • The Industrial Relations Code,2020.
              The Ministry of authorities has framed the draft rules and regulations under each codes. The new labour codes bring in significant changes to the organizations. The bill have been passed in 2019 and 2020 sand the government is aiming to implement all the four codes from the next financial year 2021-2022. 


                 Labour legislation that is adapted to the economic and social challenges of the modern world of works. It establishes a legal system that facilitates the employment. Providing framework for employers and workers.
              The new rules would also require the employers to revamp the rules and regulations.
                • Simplification in the procedures and resulting in reduced compliance costs
                • Single registrations will replace the need for registrations under multiple labour laws.
                • Ability to hire workers for a fixed durations.
               • It provides a clear and constant fundamental principles.


                 The major reasons in the labour law in the covid era, the rights of the workers have to be protected. Many workers has been unemployed due to the this covid situation and facing lots of issues regarding their employment with their workplace and wages. So , it is important for the government to amend the laws along with the development of the labour for the smoothing function of the economy.


                The new amendments were very much necessary to the global crisis that has hit because of which more than hundreds have lost their jobs. The workers have been a strong pillar in the organization and development of the economy. These laws are needed to be reformed with the needs and development of the economy. These laws also help to strike a balance with the employer-employee relationship.



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